Friday, 19 April 2013

Draw Something

There is this cool app called Draw Something. It basically works like this - you are given a word and you have only a paintbrush to draw a graphical representation. For example; it gives you 'Horse', you draw a horse, and the person you are playing with has to guess it. If they get it right, you both get a point. 

My girlfriend was really into this app, playing it for hours at a time with friends. One day we were in the car on a long journey and she was telling me about this app that she had forgotten the name of - she knew it started with 'Draw' but couldn't remember the rest. The the following conversation took place:

Girlfriend: "I really love this app, I can't remember what it's called..... Draw?...................................

Me: "You mean 'Draw Something'"

Girlfriend: "Yeah, that."


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