Thursday 20 February 2014

Flat Key

One of the first times I went to town with my Girlfriend, she lost the key to her flat in town (how? who knows...). 

We didn't know this until we got the bus home at 2am, with her flatmate who had left her key in the locked house (also ridiculous). It was the middle of winter and about -6 degrees. We were poor students at the time and quite drunk, so it seemed like a good idea to head back to town in a taxi to see if we could find the key. This seemed logical at the time, but now seems like we should've just got a taxi to my house, as I was not a ridiculous girlfriend, and still had my house key. Unsurprisingly, we did not find the key amongst the mass of drunk people and loud music of the several clubs/bars we had attended or on the spew covered streets. 

Discontent with the ridiculousness of the situation, we needed to sleep somewhere, so we caught a bus to my house, which we had to wait an hour for. The bus only went within about 2 Ks of our house... so we had to walk... in the freezing, still air of pre-dawn.... in town clothes.  We finally got there at around 4am, suffering from mild hypothermia, severe 'drys', and fatigue from our hike to my house (if you think a 2 K walk is easy, do it drunk in -6 degree weather with town clothes on).

Still unhappy with how stupid the situation had become, the only other person with a key to their flat was another flatmate who was staying at her mums house for the weekend. So the next morning, the 2 girls who still had town clothes/makeup on, and I had to drive there, severely hung over, and took the third flatmate's key to get cut at the hardware store.

We finally made it into my RIDICULOUS girlfriend's flat at 1pm the next day.

Whenever I'm cold or having a bad time out..... I think about that terrible night.

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